The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154278   Message #3619446
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Apr-14 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: A boring place
Subject: RE: A boring place
"In every thread? No matter the subject of the thread?"
Again - with respect Mick.
This thread was opened to discuss what has happened to this forum
Keith entered it quite early with the below posting.
This was before any of us mentioned the subject - to be quite honest, I really wasn't going to bother posting.
He has been indulging in racism and sectarianism for several years now - it has become a one-man crusade on his part and, following his latest attack on the Irish (my family, friends and neighbours), I have decided that he should be stopped or that I disassociate myself with a forum that allows such behaviour to the extent is is now happening.
It as all very well to suggest that we ignore him - he dominates every single thread he is on, swamping them with his postings - I would guess that his postings number nearly twice as many as any other member of this forum.
Walking away would mean that those of us who are interested in the subjects that he has admitted he is not interested enough to have learned anything about beforehand - he slaughters thread after thread with his war of attrition, last-man-standing technique.
I am no longer prepared to remain a member of a forum which allows such behaviour.
He started this - for me it is a point where I have to decide whether to hang round and let him continue to destroy what I find an enjoyable and educational forum, or go away and leave him to it - simple as that.
Apologies again
Jim Carroll

From: Keith A of Hertford - PM
Date: 14 Apr 14 - 09:16 AM
We have always had that kind of person, but I do not remember a pack of them before.
I am not aware of any racists or homophobes here, but the pack sees them.
They can just tell and, as Musket and Steve just told us, they think that makes it OK to go after them.
Or, if a gentle person tries to explain why he believes in creation.
r if the most reasonable longstanding Mudcat member I can think of tries to discuss religious persecution, a week later he has to ask that his thread be closed.
There is a changed environment here now