The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154305 Message #3619867
Posted By: The Sandman
17-Apr-14 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Tam Lin (Child #39-I)
Subject: RE: Tam Lin (Child #39-I)
Sense? a few of them are little better than nonsense, lord randall[ tedious drivel on a par with american pie] hugh of lincoln anti semitic propoganda, bonny george campbell, a fragment, what happened next did he start a soup factory? a gest of robin hood, Robin displays a poor sense of humour,SINGULARLY LONG WINDED AND NOT FUNNY., no wonder nobody sings it, dreadful fare, rather like being made to eat mcdonalds food for ten minutes non stop. the bristow tragedie 100 verses of my noble liege and not much action, a number are very poor indeed.