The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154266   Message #3619944
Posted By: GUEST
18-Apr-14 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bundy ranch stand off
Subject: RE: BS: Bundy ranch stand off
Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, will be awarded the 2014 "Incitement to Civil War" Trophy by Alabama citizen journalist and Second Amendment activist Mike Vanderboegh at a ceremony at the Cliven Bundy Ranch on Saturday, April 19, 2014. Vanderboegh, who with fellow writer David Codrea first broke the Fast and Furious scandal story in a series on the Internet in December 2010 and January 2011, is in Nevada to show support for the Bundy family and their struggle with the federal government.

Said Vanderboegh, "When Dirty Harry Reid tells us that 'This isn't over' and calls the Bundys and their supporters "'domestic terrorists' he is using -- literally -- the 'bully pulpit' to solicit the next American civil war. Reid is a corrupt bully and he understands that this struggle is not about tortoises or cows or even the vast spaces of the American west claimed by the federal government, it is about power, federal power to use naked state-sponsored terrorism to compel the American people to do what the perfumed princes of Harry Reid's Mandarin class insist is for their own good, even if it kills them."

"It was the misbehavior and jack-booted thuggery of the Bureau of Land Management run by Reid's toady that motivated people to come to the Bundys' defense. This is about two fundamentally different answers to this question: 'Does the government serve the people as the Founders intended, or will the people be servants of the government?' Harry Reid believes that the people should serve the government -- or else. For inciting the federal government into planning for another Waco, Reid more than deserves this award."