The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154278   Message #3620526
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Apr-14 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: A boring place
Subject: RE: A boring place
"you make your point of view very well."
The point is, he doesn't Al - his contributions are wars of attrition, ending in the-last-man-standing - not arguments.
"some people don't agree with you"
Very few people agree with him, he is invariably a lone voice exactly because of the above - the rest of us are "Muppets", "liars" and "swine" before whom he "casts his pearl of wisdom" - he declares himself "invincible (all traceable quotes).
He doesn't come up with new facts - he comes with pre-conceived opinions and seeks out out-of-context cut-'n-pastes which he claims back up those opinions - invariably they don't.
His recently developed technique has become to produce "experts", claim total ignorance in the subject in hand and declare himself to be "only the messenger" - over and over and over again.
Most people come to these arguments to share opinions and knowledge - Keith states regularly that he has "won" something, turning them into competitions.
I've never known anybody being told that they have no right to an opinion the way Keith has here and elsewhere.
I've never known anybody to be called "anti-British", because they criticise aspects of British policy, or "anti-religious" because they criticise the Church - Keith has done the former regularly and has recently developed the latter as a substitute for argument.
I have never had anybody other than Keith tell me I have no right to express an opinion on British politics because we have chosen to live outside that country - in which I was born and brought up - Keith has done so over and over again up to a point where I was forced to threaten to report him for interfering with my right to state an opinion.
It is this behaviour that "will not allow debate on certain issues".
I find both Keith's and Akanaton's political views on Muslims and homosexuality repugnant, but as far as I'm concerned, they can be dealt with openly on a level playing field - though I do feel the "hate" content of them should stay within the law.
Keith's statements have passed that point and his behaviour has done much to ascertain that they will never be debated fairly if he has anything to do with it.
Up to now I have never had recourse to involve site administrators in our disputes - Keith has been the only one to force me break a habit of a lifetime - and it's been wonderfully cathartic - wish I'd done it earlier, then maybe we would't have naused up so many threads with out black-hole arguments.
As I say, he or anybody has the right to take the step I have taken - if I or anybody has breached anybody's right to free speech - report us - we really should not be allowed to continue.
He will now tell us that "this is all lies" - everything heer is traceable and has been raised again and again
Jim Carroll