The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154278   Message #3620578
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Apr-14 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: A boring place
Subject: RE: A boring place
"some of you apparently join a thread just because someone you disagree with has posted and for no other reason. "
Sorry SRS
I have put in a formal complaint regarding the consistent bad behaviour of a member - - by only issues with the individual in questions opinions   is that they breach United Kingdom laws regarding incitement to race hatred, they could, and it has been suggested, have already been the cause of a member from leaving Mudcat and that recent attacks on the Irish and American Irish directly concern members of this forum.
I understood that it was in order to formally resign from Mudcat - I inadvertently sent my complaint to Joe Offer, who tells me he is the wrong person to deal with it.
I expect a response, but did not expect one before the of the holiday.   
It has never been my intention to long-term argue with Keith, just to prevent this forum from being used as a platform for incitement to race-hatred.
Some of us have had problems with B.N.P. trolls hacking into Facebook accounts - it is a little 'bridge too far' to being asked to swallow having their message delivered consistently by a Forum member.
I await a response and, if it is not forthcoming I would like my name removed from Mudcat
Again, with regret
Jim Carroll