The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153915   Message #3621004
Posted By: Richie
21-Apr-14 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 7
Subject: RE: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 7

Both versions of Child Y are in Parson's hand and Child looked at both, (since he provided two dates) however it is not acceptable, in my opinion, to decide with version to use and not include information about the other.

I'm sharing what I believe to be the best US version which is taken from Nora Hicks or the famous Hicks family in North Carolina. The details are on my site: This is an ancient version that rivals the early British versions:

The Two Sisters, Variant 1- sung by Mrs. Nora Hicks. It was copied down by Addie Hicks and given to me by Edith Walker ( W. G. G.). Gilly slaver is "Gillyflower." Some minor editing.

1. There was two sisters loved one man,
Gilley slaver gent the roseberry [1]
The youngest one he loved first,
Till the jury[2] hangs over the roseberry.

2. As they were walking by the brook,
Gilley slaver gent the Rose berry
The old one pushed the young one in
Till the jury hangs over the roseberry.

3. Sister sister give me your hand,
Gilley slaver gent the Roseberry
And you may have all my land
Till the jury hangs over the roseberry.

4. Sister, Sister give me your glove
Gilley Slaver gent the Rose berry
And you may have the one I love
Till the jury hangs over the Roseberry.

5. She floated up she floated down
Gilley Slaver gent the roseberry,
She floated in to the miller's pond,
Till the jury hangs over the roseberry.

6. Out run the miller with his long hook,
Gilley slaver gent the roseberry
He drew this fair woman out of the brook,
Till the jury hangs over the roseberry.

7. It ain't a fish nor it ain't a swan
Gilley slaver gent the roseberry
He picked her up and threw her back,
Till the jury hangs over the roseberry.

8. She floated up and she floated down
Gilley slaver gent the Rose berry
She floated in to the harper's pound
Till the jury hangs over the Rose Berry

9. Out run the harper with his long hook
Gilley slaver gent the Rose berry
He drew this fair woman out at the brook
Till the jury hangs over the Rose berry.

10. It ain't a fish nor it ain't a swan,
Gilley slaver gent the roseberry
It is a fair woman in my pond,
Till the jury hangs over the roseberry.

11. What will we make out of her breast bone so fine,
Gilley slaver gent the roseberry?
We will make us a new fiddle to play on
All the jury hangs over the roseberry.

12. What will we make out of her fingers so small
Gilley flower gent the Roseberry?
We will make us some new screws to play on
Till the jurry hangs over the Rose

13. What will we make out of her hair so long
Gilley slaver gent the roseberry?
we will make us some new strings to play on
Till the jury hangs over the Rose berry.

14. Up then spoke the first string,
Gilley slaver gent the roseberry
Was my sister that pushed me in,
Till the jury hangs over the roseberry.

15. Up then spoke the next string
Gilley slaver gent the roseberry
It was the miller who threw me back
Till the jury hangs over the Roseberry.

16. The miller was hung on the gallows so high
Gilley slaver gent the roseberry
The sister was burnt at a stake there by,
Till the jury hangs over the roseberry.

1. written "Rose berry," probably was at one point "rosemary."
2. written "jurry."