The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154361   Message #3621780
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
24-Apr-14 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can we have a Permanent abuse thread
Subject: RE: BS: Can we have a Permanent abuse thread
Belt up Joe! You lot might have the intelligence to keep some traditions such as beer and Shakespeare but you were never cultured enough to really accept bingo in the first place!

Bloody colonies.

Oy Shaw! Outside now!

Betty was a sweet innocent wench until you got her tossing balls. I only hired her as an altar maiden but no, you have to initiate her into bingo didn't you? And another thing. Since you gave her the old patter, she has put a poster of that scouse git Gerrard on her bedroom wall.


Err. So I have been told.

Can I start this post again?