The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154345   Message #3622084
Posted By: GUEST
24-Apr-14 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Subject: RE: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Mystery Guest # I-812: "Since you know so much about it, GfS, is licking your own balls a life-style choice, or is it genetic?"

Can't you read??..Ask Muskrat!
Gfs response:("Was it by choice?...or was he just 'born that way', and couldn't help himself??")

Dave the Gnome: ""More to the point...WHY do you support an ideology which dictates that humans do NOT have the right to fuck who they want!!???...AND would deny counseling or therapy to those who want that FREEDOM?????????????""

I don't."

I can't believe that anyone can be so thick!...Against the post that you, yourself posted, you insist that homosexuals have no choice...let me paraphrase....Your ideology says that homosexuals do NOT have the FREEDOM to choose....Your 'divine state' ordered edicts have decided that in the womb at birth...contrary to scientific studies, that CANNOT find the 'magic gene', on which your propaganda, has indoctrinated you that there is.

Dave the Mental Midget: "You posted the conclusion of the study posted by Ed T, as proof that you agreed with it

I didn't."

Read it and weep!

From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 22 Apr 14 - 02:24 AM

"Keith, there are examples of bigotry here. Lets look at the conclusion of GfS's link, which he believed is a fair and balanced view.

"Additionally, evidence exists which documents that homosexuals can change their sexual orientation. Future decisions regarding policies about, and/or treatment of, homosexuals should reflect this knowledge.""

But you cut the paragraph in half and excluded the is the WHOLE post, of which you edited: (My Response at the time, oncluded!!!)

Subject: RE: BS: the demise of the boring thread
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 21 Apr 14 - 11:18 PM

Dave, in your post you cut and pasted the 'Conclusion'...but seem to FAIL at reading the WHOLE thing you I'll put it up for you...READ IT!! You posted it!!!:

"....We now know that it is not scientifically accurate to refer to a "gay gene" as the causative agent in homosexuality. The available evidence clearly establishes that no such gene has been identified. Additionally, evidence exists which documents that homosexuals can change their sexual orientation. Future decisions regarding policies about, and/or treatment of, homosexuals should reflect this knowledge."

Got it?..Get it?...Good!""

Now are you going to pretend to go 'brain-dead'?

Dave the Mutant Gnome: "then say that the link was from a Conservative religious outfit....and it WAS NOT at all.

Yes it is."

Pray-tell where did you get that nonsensical ASS-umption????

"Subject: RE: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Date: 21 Apr 14 - 05:14 PM

Before you read the article, note the sites name.

""...and that is all I've said about it for YEARS gene!!""

...and then this 'gem'

Dave Poet Extraordinaire: "As you said

THESE IS a difference between liberals

Which makes about as much sense as anything else you write I suppose."

Next time you throw a picnic, try not to throw up all over your sandwiches!

(It's hard to eat, when you see Muskrat over by the tree licking his balls!)

Maybe you should stop trying to follow his example, and THINK FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!


P.S....Here''s some 'picnic music'.... just for you!!!