The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154403   Message #3623027
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
30-Apr-14 - 02:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: TV sound problem
Subject: RE: BS: TV sound problem
We now have to retune our set every single time we turn it on. It takes forever. I've no idea why. Reminds me of 'warming up the valves' on the old radio my parents had.
One of the problems with sound quality is the fashion of playing music continually during any programme. Even erudite documentaries have to have 'backing music' (scary, or sad piano tinkling etc) as if we're incapable of manufacturing our own emotional response to what's going forward on the screen. The result is that normal speech is muffled and indistinct. (I hasten to add, although I'm falling to pieces in almost every way, my hearing/eyesight/teeth seem to be in perfect order!)