The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28584   Message #362357
Posted By: GUEST,Jean
23-Dec-00 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: Favorite religious Christmas music
Subject: RE: Favorite religious Christmas music
Animaterra- "Christmas Day in the Morn," is a good substitution (better than the change made-without asking- in one of the hymnals printing, "Now is the Cool of the Day-" starting with "My Lord He said unto me." It was changed to, "My lord, he/she said unto me...")

Also want to explain that I titled the song, "The Holly Carol," leaving out the "tree" in deference to the old song. It seems impossible- ASCAP, the Harry Fox Agency, everyone who has ever recorded or sung the song, INSISTS on calling it, "The Holly Tree Carol." I'm very sorry- I should have called it something entirely different, like, "The Little Holly Tree," but it's too late now!