The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154345   Message #3624506
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
07-May-14 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Subject: RE: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Musket: "More specifically, what is the agenda behind offering to help people change?"

Agenda???....How about just being truthful and NOT turning 'bad science' into political nonsense?
If one subscribes to the political whims, that would mean that being tested for STD's of any sort, is being flaunted as being 'homophobic'.. AND that people who are 'reproductively challenged' (politically correct term for homosexuals) would not, could not seek counseling IF they would want it, because the political winds that are blowing don't believe that homosexuals have, or should have, or can decide not to be homosexual..therefore therapy is either denied or not available.... and those who may direct homosexuals to counseling are hated, called 'bigots', homophobes....when they are the ones who are actually helping them...IF THEY WANT IT!

Agenda??...What's yours?