The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28910   Message #362485
Posted By: Banjer
23-Dec-00 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: Welcome to the 'Cat---Jean Ritchie
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
Jean Ritchie answered an e-mail of mine several years ago. I asked told her about my lap dulcimer that I had built and my struggles to learn banjo. It was her encouragement that convinced me to keep at it. I took her advice and put the banjo aside for a while and played with the dulcimer. She was right, playing tunes on the dulcimer and then picking up the banjo again made a world of difference. If she said the world was flat and the sky was green, I'd believe her!! Great lady!! I was flabbergasted that she would take the time to respond to my e-mail..Thank you bunches, Jean, and welcome to the Mudcat...