The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154465   Message #3625001
Posted By: Noreen
08-May-14 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: Cinderford Festival not paying artists?
Subject: RE: Cinderford Festival not paying artists?
Many of you are your own worst enemies and you have kept not just Folk Music, but Music itself, at the bottom of the pile of life, because you have not given it the Rich Importance it so deserves.

So, in your opinion, Lizzie, the only way to appreciate the Rich Importance of something is to give it a monetary value?

I think you will will find that the festival organisers here (and in most small to middlin' folk festivals) also give their services free, and without THEIR efforts there would also not be any festivals.
Arte you going to take up the cudgel on their behalf too?

And how about the morris dancers, who travel far and wide to perform for no financial recompense?

How about the poor 'exploited' stewards, who often bring their own hard-earned talents and qualifications to enable a festival to run safely and smoothly, and for no payment? Us too?

Well thank you, but I suggest you let your collar cool down now, and go and enjoy some music.
Perhaps go to a festival and contribute in whatever way you can to the enjoyment of others, either by playing, singing, dancing, organising... or handing over beer vouchers.