The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129278   Message #3626050
Posted By: GUEST,BobE
14-May-14 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: Info: Pat [& Victoria] Garvey
Subject: RE: Info: Pat [& Victoria] Garvey
I received this email from Don on Tuesday 05-13-14:
Dearest Friends,

It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that my wife, Victoria Armstrong, passed away last evening (May 5) at 7:50 after a long illness.

I always thought that Victoria had the sweetest voice I had ever heard. Still do. She was my twin soul, my muse, my angel voice, my beloved.

I know she would want me to thank you for all your support you've given us over the years. I know how you loved her - well she loved you right back.

Soon, after a little break, it will be back to work putting the finishing touches on our CD. It's almost done.

I did a recent concert as a tribute to our 42 years together, at her behest. It was such a success I will be doing more in the months ahead.

In the meantime, lots of love to you, with our gratitude and with all my heart.

Don Armstrong