The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154345   Message #3626267
Posted By: Don Firth
15-May-14 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Subject: RE: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Homosexual "marriage" is completely different in construct to traditional hetero marriage, in that very many homosexual "marriages" and unions are "open relationships" containing large numbers of sexual partners. Also, homosexual "marriage" does not fulfil the function of a secure base for the procreation, nurturing, raising of children and the construction of an extended family structure.

Wrong on both counts, Ake! I know of several same-sex marriages, and in NONE of them is the idea to have numerous sexual partners. The whole point of the marriage is to commit to the one partner—as is the case with heterosexual couples.

Otherwise, why do it? It doesn't make sense.

Second, I know of two same-sex married couples with children. One adopted two children from a Chinese orphanage. The kids are thriving, and they certainly have a much better life than they would have had if raised in the orphanage. As I say, the kids are doing very well, thank you, and they are normal, healthy kids. They're going to school, one of them is an acolyte in the church in which their adoptive parents were married, and they refer to their parents as "daddy" and "papa."

The other couple wanted children related to them, so they hired a surrogate mother. Fertilized by artificial insemination by one of the men, she bore him a healthy little boy. Then the other of the pair donate his sperm for artificial insemination of the same woman and she bore triplets!! Three boys!

All of the children are genetically related through the mother, three brothers and one half brother.

All these kids are doing well, thank you, and they have plenty of attention from women who attend the same church the families (yes, families) attend—the church in which the marriages were performed—and from sisters and women friends of the men.

I am married—to a woman—and have been for thirty-seven years, but my wife and I live in an area in which there seems to be a large population of same-sex oriented people(it just happened that way). A talented member of our monthly writers' group (we get together to read our magnum opuses to each other for mutual suggestions and criticism) is gay and was recently married to his long-term partner when Washington State made same-sex marriage legal.

Incidentally, among all of the same-sex oriented men we know, married or unmarried, we don't know anyone with HIV/Aids.

Ake, instead of burying your nose in statistics carefully select to reflect your own prejudices, you need to get out into the real world for a change, open your eyes (and mind), and look around.

Don Firth