The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153915 Message #3626283
Posted By: Richie
15-May-14 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 7
Subject: RE: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 7
There are two distinct french version in the US. The largest group is the Arcadian in Canada. According to Robert Paquin:
French versions of 'Lord Randal' were collected on the Atlantic coast of Canada, despite the fact that this song is unknown in France. In French, the song is called 'Le Testament du gargon empoisonné.' Marius Barbeau collected three versions in 1923, Dominique Gauthier, one in 1953, and another was collected by the periodical La Voix d'Evangiline and is part of the J. T. LeBlanc collection.[9] Quite recently, Robert Bouthillier and Vivian Labrie have obtained thirteen more versions.[10] Versions of the Barbeau collection proceed from Port Daniel, county Bonaventure in Quebec, while the Gauthier and Leblanc texts proceed from New Brunswick, the former from Evangeline county Gloucester, and the latter from Saint-Antoine county Kent. The Bouthillier-Labrie collection, on the other hand, proceeds entirely from either county Gloucester or Northumberland, in New Brunswick. In short, all versions of 'Le testament du garqon empoisonné' come from that region which, under the French regime, constituted 'Acadie' and is still known under that name by French speakers.
I only have one version of this group. Anyone know where I can find more?
The other French variant(s) are from Louisiana, which apparently come from a translation of Child D (Scott-1803) which was taught school children in 1855. one of apparently two versions was published by Beck in 1964 titled, Seigneur Randal. Anyone have that version?