The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154345   Message #3626314
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-May-14 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Subject: RE: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Well then let me see....Is it really "vile hatred"   to type homosexual " marriage", rather than "gay marriage"?

I don't think so, I never use the word "gay", in respect of sexual orientation, as it is a rather good example of Orwellian newspeak and I am not prepared to be manipulated by a tiny section of society.

I put homosexual "marriage" in inverted commas, as I do not agree with the redefinition of the institution of marriage to accommodate a tiny sexual minority.

Well, normally I have little time or patience for your rabid homophobia, but I happen to have a minute or two.

Yes it is vile hatred. You can't accept the way the world has changed, you sad old bugger, and you can't respect the people who, after a bloody long fight and a load of repression, have finally managed to get just a little acceptance. Your Canute-like clinging on to "gay" is as quaint and as outmoded as it gets and represents yet another nail in your intolerant coffin. Gay is a super word that has found a super meaning after a long languish in the realms of rapidly-approaching obscurity. Anyone left on this planet who still gets indignant about the so-called "usurping" of a little word that was in terminal decline is just a prick. To suggest that the current use of gay, now universally acknowledged by just about everybody, including a good few homophobes, except you of course, is "Orwellian newspeak" is just tripe. The word has been cheerfully accepted into popular parlance in the whole of the English-speaking world (and beyond), without any manipulation by rulers. It's just another of those wonderful examples of the evolution and the flexibility of English. And you're not being manipulated by "a tiny minority". I'm as un-gay as it's possible to be (I think), but I'm in that "tiny minority" good and true, which is actually a majority in any case. You may not agree with the "redefinition" (which it isn't) of the "institution" of marriage, but tough shit, bro. There's no going back. Be a troglodytic backwoodsman or adapt. You are increasingly on your own, and please don't think that that will ever make you a hero or martyr. It just makes you a bit of a twat really.