The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154551   Message #3626855
Posted By: Brian Peters
18-May-14 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: 'Like Blackpool through a stick of rock'
Subject: Folklore: 'Like Blackpool through a stick of rock'
I've just been listening to Ewan MacColl and Charles Parker's 'Ballad of John Axon'. Still riveting and very moving after 57 years - and if MacColl had no other achievements to his name, this alone would mark him for greatness.

The ballad series' use of direct speech from working people has been much discussed - the first time this happened on the BBC, if I'm not mistaken. I'm always struck by the quote from the railwayman who says: "Railways go through the back of your spine like Blackpool through rock." I've heard the same metaphor used elsewhere, and am curious to know whether it was the broadcast of 'John Axon' that gave the saying wider currency, or whether it was common already. Anyone got any idea?