The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154345   Message #3627149
Posted By: Don Firth
19-May-14 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Subject: RE: BS: the demise of the boring thread
My interest in this subject is not, and never has been, motivated by politics. I have known gay people all my life. Some of the best singers, actors, and dancers I knew in high school didn't date girls—or anyone for that matter—they devoted themselves to their art. One guy, into ballet, eventually started his own ballet company and it is now world renowned. Others went on to do some pretty great things in the performing arts, and two of the sharpest attorneys I am acquainted with are gay.

A guy that my wife dated a lot when she was in high school was gay. She dated him because he was intelligent and interesting (a budding authority on the Civil War and the history of the British monarchy, and he eventually made his living tutoring the children of rich people), had a good personality and was fun in general—and she didn't have to go through the usual unwanted wrestling match in the back seat of the car. He eventually met a guy in theater arts who taught set and prop design in a college in California (and who also worked on the sets and props for several movies). They moved in together, bought a house, are solid tax paying citizens, and have been living together for a couple of decades.

Although I don't share their particular orientation, some of the brightest, most talented people I have known have been gay.   And it sets me to grinding my teeth when certain people look down on them and want to deny them the rights and privileges enjoyed by "straight" people simply because they object to their "life-style" when it in no way affects them.

The POLITICS is introduced by those who wish to deny gays and lesbians the same rights that are enjoyed by "straight" people.

Don Firth