The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28936   Message #362858
Posted By: Alice
24-Dec-00 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: Buying Instruments Online
Subject: Buying Instruments Online
I have a friend who has been trying to sell a very good quality oboe for several years. Last spring I listed it for her on with no response until right before Christmas, when about four interested buyers made contact. It's being sold through iEscrow with a seven day trial period right now.

I have purchased instruments online such as my harmonium, Pakistani harp, and shruti box, and as some of you know, I have an online instrument store. It carries some of the instruments we have discussed like the harmonium, and the taishokoto keyboard dulcimer called a "banjo" in India. I do not have control over the inventory. V-stores, an onlinse store merchandiser, takes all orders, supplies inventory, and sets prices. I am just wondering about some of the quality of the instruments, since I have looked over the guitars (and just noticed they have added a real banjo) and I am not familiar with the brand names of the guitars.

Here is a link to the pages of guitars click here for photos and descriptions.

If anyone has experience with instruments of these brand names and could give me feedback, I would appreciate it. Abilene made by Samick, Azahar (handmade in Spain), and Crafter.