The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28899   Message #362923
Posted By: GUEST,Sarah
24-Dec-00 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: Tom Waits on 'Austin City Limits'
Subject: RE: tom waits/
Gotta admit, some of his stuff is funny. Even riotous, albiet a lot of it in a twisted sort of way: Remember "Frank's Wild Years"? (They were so happy...) And "Better Off Without a Wife"? Especially the intro! And if ya love a good dirge, as I do, particularly a dirge with that greasy back-alley feel, Waits is your man. I do really enjoy his stuff, used to do "In the Neighborhood" and (one of my all-time faves) "Sight for Sore Eyes." The thing that really grips me about the latter is that its first verse is composed almost entirely of hackneyed phrases, yet sets up a tragedy with casual perfection.

But I still like him best in small doses. I guess I'm just too sensitive...(yeah, right.)
