The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154680   Message #3630464
Posted By: GUEST
05-Jun-14 - 04:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Subject: RE: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
The last time Rome found kids killed on this scale, they burned the guy responsible at the stake. Gilles de Rais, Nantes 1440. The fact he was the richest man in France, a war hero (one of Joan of Arc's chief lieutenants) and had done so researching early chemistry, to develop improved gunpowder for the new artillery they had just acquired, didn't enter the picture. He's gone down in history as Bluebeard.

A synopsis of th report which exposed this is to be found here. It shows the line published even now is full of lies. St Mary's Mother and Baby Home stood close to St Mary's Cathedral, and its first Chaplain was a grandnephew of a former Bishop. I think, therefore, that the only conclusion we can reach is that the Diocese was fully aware of the situation.
A government inspection of the home in 1944 described the children as "fragile, pot-bellied and emaciated." The cover on the cesspit collapsed in 1975, revealing the charnel house beneath, and it was then that the "famine" fabulation was invented.   

To claim that this was just"of the times" is patent nonsense. Are there cesspits full of dead infants elsewhere? Not aborted, born living but starved to death: how dare Europe criticise Ruanda when something like this has been hidden. somebody knew of it and failed to raise the question. Unhallowed, unshriven, a true whited sepulchre of hypocrisy.

We should not judge? How can we not? Times were NOT different then, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley saw out their days in prison for killing five children. How many nuns were there in that convent? Is this five apiece?

The doctrine of the time was that these children were the fruit of sin and the Church would not therefore baptise them. Because they were not baptised, they could not be buried in consecrated ground. But that is a mile away from starving them to death and burying them on the midden.

The home stood on the Athenry Road. The Fields of Athenry takes on a whole more horrible meaning.