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Thread #150703   Message #3630678
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Jun-14 - 02:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
"We can not ostracise them all."
This is not about ostracising Israel - your claim has been that Israel had had the "SUPPORT" of democratic countries, yet the only evidence you have produced for that stupid claim is that they haven't been ostracised.
The west trades with whoever it suits them to do so - that trade in no indication of SUPPORT for any of their policies - Israel included.
You have no case, and your desperate insistence of that claim, without any other example of support, blasts your stupid case out of the water.
No single western nation has spoken out in support of Israel's actions at Shatila/Sabra, in support of the atrocities committed during the incursions, the use of chemicals and heavy artillery on civilians, the attempts to starve the Palestinians into submission by a vicious blockade, the Berlin-like wall, the Nazi-like humiliation, the treatment of the Bedouins, the setting up of an apartheid state, ongoing expansionism..... all have been universally condemned by War Crimes and Human rights observers and the world press.
Up to now, the only practical support for Israel has been through the US using its veto on over 100 occasions to protect Israel from the world condemnation it has received, now it is unlikely to be used again the Yanks have joined Israel's critics in condemning Israel's behaviour, particularly following their having sabotaged yet another round of peace talks.
Israel has no support for its terrorism - in the past, the only support it ever has had is one of silence - now that has gone - you have has the list of examples of the support Israel now has - none.
Your argument was a non-starter anyway - the logic of it is that if Britain and the West has warm and friendly relations with countries like China and Saudi Arabia, that is an indication of support for those policies - utter crap.
You want to show that the democratic countries support Israel - give examples of that support - not their silence.
By the way - I use the word "democratic" extremely loosely.
I watched a TV documentary on Wednesday night dealing with new evidence that has come to light from British documents, showing the use of torture in Northern Ireland in the 1970s.
It seems that techniques first developed by the army in Kenya were refined and used widely in the North then, having been admitted to, were later used in Iraq, highlighted in the Abu Graib revelations, and have been put to use again in Afghanistan and Guantanamo - now there's a "democratic" British export to be proud of - torture!!
I take it we'll here no more of Brucie's lying accusations of my opposing the State of Israel
Jim Carroll