The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154465   Message #3630787
Posted By: GUEST,sciencegeek
06-Jun-14 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: Cinderford Festival not paying artists?
Subject: RE: Cinderford Festival not paying artists?
too true, film processor. I live 50 miles from what is left of Eastman Kodak... the Big Yellow Box has gone the way of buggy whip makers after the rise of the automobile.

I see the "music industry" working more for the corporations than for individual musicians. Look at the situation of professional musicians in venues such as orchestras... pay cuts vs. dissolution of the orchestra. I suspect that movie soundtracks go a long way towards solvency.

And the least of those folks can play rings around most of us in the folk, country or rock fields, if you want to go on about training. A few years back I got to see Mason Williams perform with just an upright bass player for backup. I found myself facinated by the skill of that guy and when I got the chance to speak with him just had to inquire about his background. He had only just hooked up with Mason and was intrigued by the music... he is the first bass player for a Canadian orchestra that was on hiatus.

More money goes out to corporate management and lawyers on retainer than to musicians and composers... maybe it's time to cut them out of the loop.