The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154345   Message #3630948
Posted By: Don Firth
06-Jun-14 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Subject: RE: BS: the demise of the boring thread
I support the idea of same sex marriage for a number of reasons. One of which is that, although the research is not conclusive to everyone's satisfaction, there are very strong indications that same sex orientation has a genetic base—not a specific gene, necessarily, more likely a combination of genes, as almost all genetic traits are. Sexual orientation most certainly has a physiological base, as has been established by brain science. Certain lobes within the brains of male homosexuals display characteristics of those of the same lobes in the brains of females—and female homosexuals' brains display characteristics of male brains. That is measurable, and not a matter of debate.

This is neither lie nor diversion. And I have said this repeatedly, but obviously Goofball doesn't like it, so he calls it a lie. HIS boo-boo, not mine.

Sexual orientation is NOT a matter of choice.

We do not (or certain should not) deny rights and privileges to those whose skin color or eye shape is different from ours, nor do we discriminate against those whose dominant hand is different from ours. These are physiologically based differences—as is sexual orientation. We have laws against discrimination of this sort.

If Steve and Paul, or Stephanie and Pauline form a loving relationship and want to live together as life partners, along with the same rights and privileges as mixed married couples, I have no objection. It does not affect my wife's and my marriage in any way whatsoever. And my wife feels the same way.

And I would say that if the idea of a same-sex couple chose to live together in a committed sexual relationship, and the thought of that offends certain people, those certain people had best stop obsessing about it and mind their own business.

I have said this many times and in several different ways over threads in which the discussion is appropriate, but Goofball is either incapable of understanding plain English or he is so offended by the idea that he broods unhealthily on the matter and feels compelled to continually attack and harass anyone who believes as I do.

And my beliefs are based on scientific evidence and a sense of fairness and equity.

The problem is Goofup's, not mine.

Don Firth