The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154680   Message #3631043
Posted By: GUEST,"Hiding behind"
07-Jun-14 - 05:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Subject: RE: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Joe, you are a fine guy, but not the only one with a background in investigation. I was 20 years with the European Defence HQ running peaxemaking operations in places like the Balkans. I was put there by the Boss Man, quite indubitably, with a double agenda sorting out the perversion of the ArchiAssociation of the Eucharist, the home of the US Tabernacle Societies. The double-dealing of the Vatican in the preservation of what should be its core ethos is incredible - five major recalcitrances to date, defying several Papal instructions. I can document this from the public record.
In this instance, this starts to resemble a war crime. We're talking Auschwitz level in all but enormity and speed (and one of the assessors in the Baby P case is in my immediate circle, I should add). Anyone not promoting an urgent investigation, in my mind, has to be suspect, and when there is this kind of alignmment in association, then my comment that you are allowing the murderesses to hie behind you is entirely justified. The deaths and means thereunto are on the public record and therefore proven already, the only question being why no investigation was started long before, and the answer for that being that the investigators responsible were exactly like you and turned a blind eye nearly eight hundred times here alone.

One aspect to be remembered in partial mitigation is that the law on murder did not extend until early into this period to protect children under ten. But for most of the period it did, and common humanity has to ask why it wasn't applied.

We know that some of the mothers are still alive. We may therefore suspect that some of the Sisters are still as well, and so must ask why no measures are being taken to identify them yet. And that is why I say they are being allowed to hide behind the rest of the faith. Pope Francis has indicated that this kind of behaviour must stop, and it must stop immediately. So cease and desist, or you will have the same effect as the priests in this case trying to continue the cover-up, destroying what you most cherish.