The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154345   Message #3631308
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
08-Jun-14 - 03:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: the demise of the boring thread
Subject: RE: BS: the demise of the boring thread
You see, Don, I don't have anyone close to me or in the family who decided to change their 'orientation', and we've been around this bush before, about yes the post was from my computer, but it was not authored by me....(I don't know how many times(I think a half go count). Even the mod, Joe told you before it didn't even sound like me....but that's another issue..what's really amazingly typical, is that you had to throw that in, as to 'color' is some weird light, that you'd like....but that doesn't surprise me...because from your 'explanation post' you pretty much said that you would support and promote a lie, or speculation, if it got what you what you want to believe!!!...True story..go back and read it...and my question...(besides, you're known for spinning the truth on much that others have told you, as well.

Speaking of genetic based, versus hormonal influences, a funny thing happened when you directed me to check out the archives('Prop 8')...I noticed while you were 'celebrating the fact' that you were 'so hip', that you had all your homosexual buddies over for dinner,(and I brought this up to you before)...but something jumped out, anew....(I should cut and paste this)....I suspect why you insist on the 'gene' theory....and most always you make a point that the woman carries that 'GENE'....and, you are pretty famous for never admitting a flaw, no matter how much it glares out...OK..back to the point...I've always maintained that the influences of the hormones while the baby is being formed, from a stressed mother(being as they share the same nervous system, in the formative stages) had a greater influence, than a simple gene(and THAT is BACKED up by studies)......maybe you don't want to think of yourself as the cause of that stress, because, in the names you mentioned, as dinner guests, that night, I noticed you included your son's name...and no women were mentioned as present.
It would only make sense, to want to 'champion' a lie, maybe to make amends, for getting the girl pregnant and taking off...(you can insert your own rationalization).....Oh, and that's 'only' a
SUGGESTION and speculation, with reasonable evidence....just like what you support!!!
....but then, like I said:

"but that doesn't surprise me...because from your 'explanation post' you pretty much said that you would support and promote a lie, or speculation, if it got what you what you want to believe!!!...True story.."

It got you laid, didn't it???