The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150703   Message #3632231
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-Jun-14 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
There have been "meaningful" peace talks (Certainly between Israel and the Egyptians and Jordanians)

Passing over the point for a minute that the thread is supposedly about Israel/Palestine, why yes, there have been the "peace talks" you refer to. The upshot was cod-westernisation of those countries, including the propping up of an undemocratic "kingdom" in the one and of a decades-long dictatorship in the other. So that did a lot of good, eh? Look how it's left Egypt. Are we supposed to be proud of that outcome, or do you wash your hands of it all because these feckless Arabs couldn't do anything right in a million years? Can't really win with you, can they?

As for those billions in aid to "Arabs", are we supposed to overlook the billions in aid to Israel, especially military (not to speak of special trade deals, etc.), a nation about as populous as Scotland? To make a fair comparison with your point about the Arabs, do you suppose that Israel would have got by without all that aid? The whole problem in the Middle East emanates from the fact that aid of any sort to Israel is virtually unconditional. And AIPAC et al. will always make sure that it is. If a naughty child gets away with its naughtiness time and time again without getting its botty smacked ever, it will come to think that naughtiness is normal, acceptable behaviour. Consider the brouhaha over the rumours that Iran was getting nukes or that Saddam had "WMDs", then remind yourself that Israel, in breach of international treaties to which its aid donors are signatories, has turned itself into a nuclear state. Give me your list of all the other currently non-nuclear states from which you'd find that kind of behaviour to be acceptable. Then consider the sheer partiality of your position. "Nothing can be done", eh? Plenty will be, though, with your attitude, and most of it will not be very nice.