The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154680   Message #3632905
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Jun-14 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Subject: RE: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
The church has always seen fit to judge the morals of others - from the 'cuttie stools' in Scots chapels to the public shaming of immoral women (never men) in front of congregations in Catholic churches.
One of the main reasons given by the church for their devastating opposition to crossroads and house dances was that they encouraged young people to socialise "unchaperoned".
The homes for "sinning" women, the Magdalene laundries and the seizure and sale of "illegitimate" babies were among the the results of this judgement, and the widespread and long-term clerical abuses were proof, if any were needed, of the total unsuitability of the largely male-dominated church as a guide and arbiter in sexual matters.
Interesting comment on the subject in this morning's Irish Times letter page:

"Sir, - David Smith (June 13th) might be surprised to learn that most atheists are not overly concerned with the belief (or non-belief) of others in deities. Their primary concern is the belief that the same deity cares, among other things, about who you sleep with, how you get married, what you learn in school, and whether your non-viable pregnancy should be terminated. The devolution of authority from the people to the church, often with disastrous consequences, is what really beggars belief.
Separate the church from the so-called republic, and you can believe in whatever you like.-
Yours, etc,
Newtown Park,
Naas Road,
Co Wicklow."

Jim Carroll