The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6273   Message #36330
Posted By: Ezio
29-Aug-98 - 02:48 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Ice Queen (Bogle)
Subject: Lyr Add: ICE QUEEN (Eric Bogle)
(Format=Real Audio 3.0, 28.8 mono *** Time=01:97 *** Size=134 kb)
(available on line for a few days only - sorry)


(Eric Bogle)

Well I saw you in town yesterday
You were sitting in your car
It could have been an Austin A-40, babe
But of course it was a Jaguar
And though I tried to talk to you
You cut me from the scene
With a look of that sad 'don't touch me boy
'cause I don't know where you've been'

Oh Lady, lady, my little Ice Queen
You seem so far away, a distant dream
I'd like to get you in bed
Get your legs above my head
Feel you twist and moan
Really turn you on
Make your beg for more
Till you're stiff and sore
But I know that's a dream
My little Ice Queen

And when I turn the TV on
Well, there you are again
Smoking Benson & Hedges, babe
And drinking pink champagne
And munching after dinner mints
At some fashionable soirèe
And smiling your MacLean white smile
In your icy little way


And you always dress with style and flair
You look so smart and chic
You change your dresses twice a day
And boyfriends every week
And they're always suave and debonair
Well mannered and well bred
With names like Marc and Christopher
And never Bert or Fred


And well, I hope you're happy, babe
I really hope you are
With your swimming pool
And your fancy clothes
Smart friends and shiny cars
But if you ever tired of it
If the good life gets you down
... ... ... ... The next time you're in town

Oh Lady, lady, my little Ice Queen
You seem so far away, a distant dream
I'd like to get you in bed
Get your legs above my head
Feel you twist and moan
Really turn you on
Make your beg for more
Till you're stiff and sore
But I know that's a dream
Eric Bogle and the little Icy Queen

Sung by Eric Bogle on 'Pure'

Submitted by EB