The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154680   Message #3633168
Posted By: GUEST
15-Jun-14 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Subject: RE: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Joe, you yourself recognise that the Vatican bureaucracy is resisting Francis' clear instructions to clean the ship. I've seen similar instructions in Belgium go utterly disregarded for five years and more. The Pope counts as nothing these days, and so if the ship's determined to remain a cesspit, there's not a thing to be done to defend the image that it's a part of paradise.
Sure, the cesspit may contain chunks of undigested food which are utterly palateable if the external corruption is cleansed away and the result cut back. But it doesn't alter the fact that a cesspit is a cespit is a cesspit and not even the injection of Holy Innocents can change that.
Your actions are clearly virtuous in and of themselves and have no effect on the moral values of others of your fellowship. They would be equally virtuous if performed by a followwer of another religion, an agnostic, or an atheist. They give no credit beyond the do-er of the deed, it's not Rome which makes you moral, but you. That may come from your inmost faith, but as Matt 5-8 points out, that is intrinsic to you and nothing to do with your Church. Your Church does not make you virtuous, nor your virtue the Church, nor is it exclusive to Roman Catholicism.
So stop conflating the acts of pew fodder with the organised, endemic perversion of a faith your heirarchy has become, in part proactively, predominantly tacitly through its refusal to cast out the recalcitrantly sinful. However much you might wish a turd become a steak, a turd it is, and a turd it will remain until its internal corruption breaks it down to useful manure. Perhaps it's time for Rome to start over from scratch, in other words, pay off all those who make a living from HolyJoeing, liquidate the assets and start doing the real-world work it's supposed to.
The eternal Steeple Fund campaign in an area where people are starving is to my mind putrid. It's time to attend to the real Commandments and not the heirarchy.