The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154680   Message #3633279
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
15-Jun-14 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Subject: RE: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
I took a look at the Vatican website, and found prominently the very lengthy "Apostolic exhortation" on evangelization and promulgation of the faith.
The thrust is to encourage Catholics to act as St. Paul pronounced, "Woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel."
Other groups also have taken this as "gospel," so we find Jehovah's Witless ringing our doorbell.
I find all evangelism aimed at conversions or recruitment repulsive, regardless of their listing of good deeds and actions.

The Catechism also is a very long and involved. Looking at the section on baptism in the section on sacraments, "Baptism of Infants...... Born with a fallen human nature and tainted with original sin, children also have need of the new birth in baptism to be freed from the power of darkness....."

Primitive superstition abounds throughout this section; one can visualize early humans huddled in the safety of their campfire, fearfully looking over their shoulders into the surrounding darkness

Reading through the catechism, It is easy to see how various groups within the church develop rules and superstitions of their own which can lead to the horrors of the treatment of unwed mothers and their babies, leading to their deaths since they are unworthy of baptism.
I remember. at one New Mexico Catholic graveyard, the unkempt plot without markers outside the fence of the consecrated, well-tended area, for those who were unbaptized or excommunicated.