The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154376   Message #3633945
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Jun-14 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic radicalism . . .
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic radicalism . . .
"nd who are committing terrible atrocities in the name of Islam and are pledged"
The tit-for tat atrocities that are taking place in the Middle East are part of what is happening there and have been for a long time.
Assad has been wiping out the people of Syria for some years now - the west tut-tutted and decided to do nothing about it.
The atrocities in Iraq started way before the present conflict, Falujah, Abu Graib, the use of drones....
It appears that they are only a problem when it is young militants carrying them out.
No-one is excusing atrocities, whoever commits than, just pointing out that "terrible atrocities" appear to be part of modern warfare ad attributable to all sides.
You have given three examples of threats to Britain - yet it is people like you and your friends, along with your counterparts in the BNP, Ukip and every other shitty extremist group who has and continues to represented a threat to Muslim people as a whole with your racist genaralisations and your outpourings of hate.
The facts are simple - there are a million and a half Muslims in Britain.
Unless you send them all back from where they (or their parents - or in some cases, grandparents) came fro, or open up internment camps throughout Britain - or maybe even embark on "a permanent solution" to the Muslim problem, we have to live with that fact.
As things stand at present, British Muslims are a natural ally, they represent a friendship to be fostered and built on, as a matter of self-preservation, if humanity doesn't grab you, as it obviously doesn't.
The last thing Britain needs at the present time is a bunch of mouth-frothing hate merchants goosestepping their way through British society and stirring up disquiet and mistrust.
The world lost its chance with assisting those who wished to bring about democratic change through the Arab Spring - we are seeing the results of that in Syria at the present time.
Lets hope that this isn't repeated in Britain because mof hand-in-the-air morons like you and yours.
You want a "terrible atrocity -
Jim Carroll