The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154775   Message #3634465
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
19-Jun-14 - 01:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Scientific misconceptions.
Subject: RE: BS: Scientific misconceptions.
Not interested in Sheryl Sandberg...she may be rich and powerful, but her mentoring by Larry Summers, and close association with him puts her in the category of suspect of being as completely corrupt as he is!!...and as destructive as politically corrupt politicians can get!!
She served with him, under Bill Clinton, and Summers was a driving force behind repealing Glass-Steagall, which....wait....I'll pull this up for ya'......

"Lawrence Henry "Larry" Summers was a primary architect of the modern U.S. financial system, which collapsed in 2008 leaving some 8 million Americans unemployed and destroying some $13 trillion in wealth, according to the GAO. Summers served multiple roles in the U.S. Treasury in the 1990's under President Clinton and Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin (previously of Goldman-Sachs). In those roles he supported the repeal of Glass-Steagall, which lead to the creation of "too big to fail" banks, and fought the regulation of derivatives which later played a key role in the financial crisis (see more below). Ultimately he became Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton 1999-2001. He also held the position as President of Harvard 2001-2006 during the administration of George W. Bush, a position he left after a no-confidence vote by the staff and after losing some $2 billion in Harvard endowment funds to a derivatives deal gone bad."

So she can take her 'relative truths' and shove them up hers.....crooks and cons LOVE the 'spinning room' with raps like hers! She lives at the heart of the political corruption of this country, and has damaged people globally!!
I'm not impressed.....but I am surprised (a little), that you keep pushing her....but then one man's truth is another man's 'talking point'...and she is part of the corruption machine!