The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154726   Message #3634490
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish 1
19-Jun-14 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why won't the fracking companies speak?
Subject: RE: BS: Why won't the fracking companies speak?
Oh, and Dave, just so's you know, there's a FB 'note' on my page entitled 'Of Chiefs & Children' read it, you might learn something, it's about the visit last week.

As to the police, I phoned over half of the main police forces in this country during the recent anti-fracking protests, to raise awareness of what Greater Manchester Police and West Sussex Police were doing in their name, asking them to wake the feck up and join WITH The People for this is their fight too, their children's future too...

Some were very receptive, angry at what the GMP, in particular were doing...tons of videos out there on Youtube about their behaviour, just google 'Fracking and Greater Manchester Police, Barton Moss' and you'll find them..

As to voting for a Party, I vote Green. The former leader of the Green Party was arrested at Balcombe last year...

...her son was given the now 'normal' torture treatment by the British Police, where they press their thumbs deep into the recess behind our ears, causing intense pain. This manoeuvre has been banned by many self-defence sports, as it is the nearest point of entry to the brain...You will find many photos of the British Police doing this on innocent, legal, peaceful protestors on the BIFF page, above...

Caroline, along with all those arrested with her, was found to be innocent and the judge threw these charges out of court...

The POLICE are Wasting Police Time, they are also behaving like total thugs, some of them enjoying what they the one who sat on a woman, hand-cuffing her, making her stand with only her chin supporting her on a fence, as her knees slowly buckled beneath her after the shock of his actions...His sexually gratified face, which, as a woman, filled me with horror, was sent all over the world and caused outrage, for it was obvious that this 'officer' was getting far more than he'd expected that day in the way of pleasing himself...It was the most revolting and disturbing image I've seen in a long while.....Again, you'll find it on the 'BIFF!' page, mentioned above...

So, thanks for your words...and have a good day.