The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154775   Message #3634598
Posted By: Stu
19-Jun-14 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Scientific misconceptions.
Subject: RE: BS: Scientific misconceptions.
"A bit of a bugger when you have to explain how you take the piss."

I would suggest a smidgeon more sophistication (or lack of, whatever) in thee's piss-taking. You tories can never carry it of with any degree of panaché or utter lack of class; must come of being so aspirational or something.

"I have commented before about various Brits inability to realize how their banter & 'irony' often fails to translate in print form in an international forum."

Various? That'll be all of us kind sir! If thou can't speak the lingo or understand owt then best leave alone me old mucker. This is not that American English but yer actual English wot is spoke reet proper by us over here. Bostin!

"It is NOT a universal thing to punctuate all debates with cleverly phrased insults designed to show your wit & erudition."

Bollocks to that!