The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154802   Message #3635065
Posted By: Mr Red
20-Jun-14 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: Speling Misstakes
Subject: RE: Speling Misstakes
one of the worst problems is the person who knows better than Micro$oft's best research on how to spell a particular word so adds it to the dictionary. Then everyone who uses that computer cannot be alerted to their errors.

The OP IS about spelling mistakes in many cases, people can't spell so the s/w suggests what it thinks is correct and the user doesn't always know the right one, or is too lazy to check all the alternatives.

I heard of a secretary (remember them?) who misread a hand-written note and addressed a letter to someone in ...........

Leighton Buggered

For the non-Brits amongst us the town in question is Leighton Buzzard

(thinks.... I wonder what she would have made of the Pensylvanian town of Intercourse?)