The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154802   Message #3635499
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
22-Jun-14 - 02:36 AM
Thread Name: Speling Misstakes
Subject: RE: Speling Misstakes
That's done it. I've shit me britches.

And all for starting a sentence with the word "if."

Still, it would be a first for anyone to feel bad about criticising The Daily M*il.

I receive a daily morning email courtesy of Dept of Health with links to whatever health stories are in the papers that day. It is themed around acute, primary care, mental health etc but at the bottom, on their own, are the links to health stories in The Daily M*il.

It's a bit like having a cartoon section in a newspaper. They are not put with the other papers and if want to read them fine, but the inference is that they do not need to be taken seriously. I'm sure some here are aware if the website that keeps tally of how many times something, coffee for example, gives you cancer and how many times it cures cancer. All from their stories.

Me? I'll carry on taking milk with my tea if it's all the same. It mellows the cup and broadens the perspective.

Still, it's nice to be a member of the "called anti Semitic" club. To date, any mudcatter who criticises Israel is in the club. A bit of a first for criticising The Daily M*il though!