The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154680   Message #3635521
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Jun-14 - 05:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Subject: RE: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Well Joe Offer - since you appear to insist on addressing those who disagree with you in a hostile manner.
The conditions in the Magdalene Laundries are far to well known to repeat, and if we did, you would, no doubt, accuse us of rubbing the church's noses i past sins.
The link was intended to highlight the problems that the victims of these slave camps had in getting recognition of, let alone recompense for their suffering at the hands of members of your church.
The victims you were referring to had spent their lives in these hell-holes and were too old to be returned anywhere other than to be placed in the hands who would take care of them (ongoing revelations having made further mistreatment and neglect unlikely).
That church bodies should take on responsibility for such victims cannot considered anything but an obligation on the part of the church - not by any stretch of the imagination a kindness.
Contemporary eye-witness accounts of the conditions in the mother and childrens' homes
My and others here's disgust of the behaviour of those left in charge of the most vulnerable, is not that of a "born again atheist" but that of human beings - I wonder how long it will take for those who carried out or oversaw these abuses to ascend to that level - or do only the holy psess that particular quality.
Jim Carroll