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Thread #154680   Message #3635655
Posted By: GUEST
22-Jun-14 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Subject: RE: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Jim, I don't think it is humanity which has disappeared here, just that there are limits to how much a Church which claims divine inspiration can take refuge behind it. If it didn't, and never had, then perhaps there would be a case, but if you set high standards to everyone and fail to measure up to them yourself, then you'll find yourself accused either of hypocrisy or of being away with the fairies.
I'm not saying the ideals are unachievable, they are achieveable but only by direct inspiration, not by organisational measures. The test is objective, can they really do the exceptional? I'm qualified to criticise because I not only have, but do, to a level which is mundanely incomprehensible. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
In this instance, the proof is that the pudding was putrid. The solution, to clean the shop. It's not happening and the Spiritual Health Inspector's closing the shop as a result.
#it humanity were to be applied, then the starting point is to recognise the problem and sort it out so it can never recur. The Pope has it in him, in theory, but does he have the bottom to succeed in practice? If he were thirty, then he would have time to progress at the measured pace he is taking, but he isn't, the clock's ticking, and the hand is writing on the wall, Mene Mene Tekel Upharsim.