The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154815   Message #3635909
Posted By: Mr Red
23-Jun-14 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat - changes in style and profile
Subject: RE: Mudcat - changes in style and profile
I just thought, apart from my experience (one remove) of a community that had a Farcebook membership, it got pretty libelous at times.

The thought:
   by allowing the bitter and angry to vent their spleen here (rather than the person/group they cannot reach) we are doing the world a service, as long as we recognise they are to be pitied, not engaged with. We know who they are (see above) sadly they don't!
Just like the driver, who, after an accident, says (first) "why did you?". The aggression is a form of defence against guilt. We know who they are!