The words are in the booklet. The song was collected from Simon (Simmy) McDonald & was one of the songs handed down from an Irish sailor ancestor.
oral history recording of SImon McDonald Fiddle: 1. Father O'Flynn, 2. Pibroch of Donuil Dhu, 3. Rakes of Kildare, 4. Mrs McLeods reel, 5. Frog potters, 6. Green shades of Gask, 7. Jack's the lad. Singing: 8. Claudy banks, fiddle intro. Conversation: 9. Interview by Norm O'Connor and Maryjean Officer, McDonald speaks of learning songs, family background. Singing: 10. There was an old woman wrapped up in a blanket. Conversation: 11. McDonald speaks of his family history, songs and tunes about Napoleon, playing and learning to play fiddle and tin whistle. Fiddle: 12. Napoleon's march. Conversation: 13. McDonald speaks of his father, learning songs, other family members and experiences. Singing: 14. The lost sailor, 15. Jenny of the moor, Side 2. Singing: 1. The golden vanity. Rest of side 2 is blank.