The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154680   Message #3636458
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Jun-14 - 03:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Subject: RE: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
"born-again know-nothings"
Your case would be far more palatable if it wasn't accompanied by smears such as this
The 'Know Nothings' were established to denigrate the Irish people fleeing the Famine, those commenting here are criticising church bodies for their behaviour towards vulnerable human beings.
You have already linked these criticism to atheism - now you are presenting it as an attack on Catholicism - it is neither.
It is a condemnation of the appalling de-humanisation and abuse of many thousands of sick and distressed people by bodies which were part of an all-powerful church - the excuse for that behaviour was that their victims were "sinners" who deserved nothing more.
There are more then enough established facts for you to deal with - deal with them before you dig yourself in even deeper and lose the respect of those of us who still regard you as a decent person.
"admitting that the septic tank might not contain any human remains"
Old news Boo-boo - the 'septic tank' burials were a headline-grabbing ploy, largely by the gutter press - they have long been established as not a factor in all this, except to those who wish to divert from the main issue, which is the maltreatment and deaths of thousands of people.
Jim Carroll