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Thread #154680   Message #3637588
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jun-14 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Subject: RE: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
About par for the course, isn't it, Joe, calling someone victimised by your Church a fruitcake? The need to fight dirty reveals the body you seek to defend has no defence. As it happens, I just completed a thorough medical workup in all aspects of my life, physical and psychological, and I can most certainly declare on independent medical evidence not only that the shrinks are entirely happy with me, but also that I have an IQ up with the absolute tops: I am not only firing on all four cylinders, but on all eight, horizontally opposed with a fully-functional turbo boost to boot. I work at post-doctoral level with London University's Advanced Studies School, including esoteric studies, and my peers do work on both sides of the boundary between dark and light. I do not, because I am clearly tasked to work in the light, but to do so have to have a certain knowledge of the other side: you will observe my rider that Satanism is a human invention. I was recently dragged along by my peers to the launch of Marco Pasi's study of Crowley's relationships with the political system of his day at Treadwells bookshop, a launch which was not short of satanists, and not all of them are New Age loonies: some respected academics are in their number. Rome gives them more than a little justification, in hard fact, and they raise exactly the same accusations against it as you do against them. More to the point, I have hard evidence they were close to Pope Leo XIII, and I suspect set roots in the Vatican they have never let go.
Now, as it happens, in checking yet again that what I have to say in the next section about The Log in the Pope's Eye remains true, I have discovered that a lobby has appeared making identical charges, which I have nothing to do with. They go further, adding a new accusation of ritual murder in Belgium involving some rather familiar names and linking in Canada, the Netherlands, UK and Ireland. They appear to be a tad psyched, true, in setting up their own common court, but having seen the way the public courts won't touch such matters with a bargepole and get forced out by the Church when they show an interest (Wim de Troy being a case in point) some such action must be necessary to offer the victims some kind of justice. So it is not just me, there is smoke and where there's smoke, there's fire.
So, for refusing to apologise for something I have nothing to apologise for, I am put under attack for being a victim. That's a pretty low form of bullying, Joe, and should be beneath you if you are all you claim to be. OK, it's a BS robust environment, but when you're claiming probity, you can't go there.

To return to the meme, what I still have no reply on is how a Pope can excommunicate the entire Mafia for the murder of one child and make no comment on the murder of eight hundred, when it is the body he is directly responsible for which has done it. Eight hundred as a simple instance in class action, in any case, there are alomst certainly far more: the real point is one of the Mote in the Pope's Eye, one would have thought that he would at least have cleaned his own house before throwing stones at another criminal organisation's.

Turning now to the question of identification, either you do or you don't. Max knows me, we talk on another forum, so there should be no issue there. You've had cases, quite recently too, of pseudo-use of Guest avatars, and in this case, as being from a family of victims it's quite important not to make myself identifiable. At the moment, the perpetrators are walking away whistling happily whereas someone speaking for a family twice victimised is under accusation. Happy now?