The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123429   Message #3638285
Posted By: gnu
02-Jul-14 - 07:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: New diet and exercise program for gnu
Subject: RE: BS: New diet and exercise program for gnu
Soooo... I was down by 110#. Then I did my 40 days without Bud. Gained 8# and managed to put on another 8# when my arthritis said, "You ain't goin fer a walk today buddy boy." a year ago February. Just after my BDay in March passed, I hit 190.4# so I said, "ENOUGH!" and went back at it. Today, 173.2#.

I had to change my diet due to not being able to exercise much. Same as before until after a light supper. Then my strategy was "DON'T EAT!!!" You can lose weight with such a diet. I feel like last winter's dried up dog shit but it worked. My lower spine feels better than, you know, so it's a good thing. I am able to mow a front and back lawn (power assisted lawn mower). I even walked 1 km yesterday and then I had a vigorous workout yelling at my TV for over 4 hours during two World Cup games. I was exhausted and fell asleep in my rocker. Dieting is hard work.

I'm hungry but my new jeans don't fit. Maybe THAT is the key. Buy new jeans and the weight just falls off?