The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154894   Message #3639056
Posted By: Musket
04-Jul-14 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
Thanks for shouting down the suggestion that Muslims are Islamists Keith. I did notice.

In objective answer to your question, I would point out two things, and the second flows from the first;

Islamism is not a set doctrine. There are many people taking up arms in many different countries and calling themselves or being labelled islamist. Some complain about the others in a macabre "Peoples' Popular Front of Judea" stance. The aims are similar, the structure to follow are very different...

It is therefore a matter of numbers, in which there are Christian equivalents, and we don't need to look at Crusades or Inquisition to find it. When a Bishop declares he answers to a higher authority when commenting on equality law. When American Baptist organisations fund attempts to make being gay a capital offence in Uganda, when they and similar movements bomb abortion clinics and murder healthcare professionals working in them.

They just don't have the numbers, that's all. They claim they are real Christians and that you aren't. An Islamic version of Bobad would possibly quote them as representing all Christians judging by his track record.

In any event, the term Islamism, being two letters away from Islamic and confusingly meaning the same in pure word structure terms, was purposely coined in order to make links between terrorists and normal people. hence I and many others scorn the term. No problem with another word, call them apricots if you like. But if scum can confuse paedophile and paediatrician, it doesn't take much for them to invoke the word Muslim when thinking terrorist.