The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154894   Message #3640695
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Jul-14 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
"A dubious assertion"
Tell that to the Muslims who live in fear of having ptrol poured through their letter boxes, or have to board up their windows, or accompany their children to school for fear of them being attacked....
Or those whose sons fall victim of the recognised institutional racism in the police force.
None of those Muslims you mentioned as being afforded privileges in Britain would com anywhere near to being affected by any of this - these are not the people who need to be won over.
I didn't respond to you when you replied to my question of how many Muslims you had met by telling me of those you knew at Uni
Rather like the judge at the Lady Chatterly trial asking the jury if they would be happy if their servants read the book.
We appear to live in different world Mike.
"Van Gogh and Rigby how ineffectual and worthy of ignoring and discounting this minority is."
How about you asking the family of Bijan Ebrahimi (who?) beaten and burned to death for trying to stop white yobs from vandalising his home - or the many thousands of Muslims who live in fear for their safety, their property, even their lives.
If you have no answer and are nor even to consider suggestions, you are little more than a rabble-rouser whose only contribution is to gve support to the thugs
Jim Carroll