The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154680   Message #3640747
Posted By: Ed T
09-Jul-14 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
Subject: RE: BS: Dead babies and Tuam Bon Secours nuns
So, Joe, is it fair to say that the RC church organization has no responsibility for the actions of priests in its employ (they do get paid)?

If so, why would this be different from other large organizations, like GM, for example. Would GM get away with saying its not responsible for the actions of those making its cars, that any defects would be the employees, or shift managers issues to deal with? If GM managers knew about this, and did not take corrective action, should they still be able to deflect any responsibility for resulting injuries?

It is clear that the persons (employees) in positions of authority within the RC church knew about the abuse, and did not take appropriate and reasonable action to halt it, or stopping its spread- including reporting the crimes to authorities. This made them enablers.

As you have stated in the past, Joe, sexual crimes against minors (male and female) under their care has occured in many organizations. Perversion exists with married folks, as well as with those not married. There is clearly no simple solution, but many measures needed to rectify the situation. However, the big wack in the RC pocketbook, likely got the attention of someone.