The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139445   Message #3642071
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
14-Jul-14 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Good Results w/ Old Equipment - Turntables
Subject: RE: Tech: Good Results w/ Old Equipment - Turntables
I have been using old equipment for some 30 years. A lot of good stuff out there, but many audiophiles after it.
I have-
Luxman amplifier, two tubes
JVC turntable
Marantz cd player
Onkyo (sp.?) receiver
Cassette player, Onkyo
Plugged into the amplifier are two dvd players, Sony and Toshiba, the latter all-zone, and a new Sony flat-screen TV.

Separate is a Sony that converts tape to DVD, but it is slow; not happy with it.

Very happy with the audio system. (The DVD players and the TV are late models, "almost new")

There was a shop here run by a technician specializing in used good quality to high end audio equipment. The Luxman came from him, the turntable from Value Village, the Marantz was bought new (gray market), the receiver and cassette player from Ebay.

I have many cassettes, but copied only a few to cd- the systems I looked at were all slow like he one I have.

Any suggestions??