The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154894   Message #3642260
Posted By: MGM·Lion
15-Jul-14 - 04:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
Richard: You really have not taken on board that I was replying to your fatuous assertion that "The League of Nations had no mandate from those whose lands in the Levant it claimed to give away", by pointing out that the entity "whose lands" we are here concerned with, the Ottoman Empire, whose lands these had been for centuries, had ceased to exist; and so one of the vital functions of the newly formed, by agreement of the victors of the recent conflict, LoN, became to determine what should become of its component parts. So whose lands, precisely, are you claiming the League had no warrant, or 'mandate', to give away? It had a warrant, or mandate, from all those upon whom victory had devolved the responsibility of establishing order amongst the chaos inevitably left by so destructive a conflict as had just occurred. And who should that be but the victorious allies?

A precise answer, please.
